Today, you're going to learn 2 things:
How to teach what you know to other people
How Marketing Cloud Subscriber Data Management Works
Benefits of Today's Letter:
If you're a teacher, consultant, course creator, coach, etc...
This is the formula to follow if you want to teach other people (and make an impact).
If you work in Marketing Cloud, this will help you:
Become a PRO with Marketing Cloud data.
Pass the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist certification.
Think of this as your very own Marketing Cloud Data Management Training session.

Here's the Issue...
Since 2019, I've taught people how to use Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
And every year, I get the same questions from students.
It's been exhausting.
I've encountered the same issues with classes I taught YEARS ago.
Can you imagine how I feel at this point?
It's draining.
But it's also my fault.
I've been teaching Marketing Cloud as best as I can.
But I haven't been following a proven FORMULA to teach it.

Where that brings us today
That leads me to where I am today (and why I'm writing this letter to you).
I've wanted to teach the general public a FREE Marketing Cloud Class.
But with work and life activities, I haven't had the time to do it.
But as we sit here between Christmas and New Year's, I find myself with HOURS of free time.
Instead of wasting my free time, I figured, "Why not use it to give back to the community?"
So, I'm finally teaching Marketing Cloud to the general public.
I woke up the day after Christmas and decided to start livestreaming a class.
I had no plan.
I wanted to do something to keep myself accountable and continue moving forward.
So, I created the first day of class for the free Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Course.
While I was teaching, I thought to myself:
I can make this better.
This is taking a long time to teach (but why?)
Why am I taking so long to talk about something that should be so easy to explain?
But I didn't do anything about it.
I went to day 2 of the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist course.
To get even more feedback, I asked my mom to join the livestream so she could ask questions.
I figured if she had questions, then other people might have the same questions.
So she joined me for Day 2 of class.

After class, I thought to myself again:
What could I have done better?
But this time, I did something different...
I wrote down everything that I did to prepare for the class.
And I wrote down everything I could do to make the class better.
Then, I asked my mom for her feedback on how I could make the class better.
The final conclusion was this:
Be extremely prepared for what you're going to teach
Be concise with your stories and examples
Have all the assignments ready
Have every resource ready
Know what you'll say before you get on the call and start teaching.
In the short term, putting in the upfront work is challenging.
But it pays off in the long run.
Think about it
The more work you put in to ensure your lesson is great, the easier people will understand the topic.
And the easier it'll be to improve your lesson.
So, I've been busy creating a template for each topic I teach.
As I created a framework and script for my lesson, I remembered Russell Brunson.
Russell Brunson has a book called Expert Secrets.
In chapter 2 of Expert Secrets, Russell teaches his "Framework for teaching Frameworks."
At first, I wanted to use a framework to teach day 3 of the email specialist class with a framework I thought of.
But after thinking about it, I thought to myself:
Should i follow the "framework for teaching frameworks" by Russell Brunson??
Should i follow the simple structure that I already put in my PPT?
And then I thought to myself,
Why should I go with either option?
Here was my conclusion
Practice Russell Brunson's strategy - He's the expert. Period
So... Here we are...
Right at the perfect time in history.
This is the moment I learn how to teach my Subscriber and Data Management framework.
This is also the moment that you get to:
Learn how to teach your frameworks to other people.
Learn Marketing Cloud Subscriber Data Management

Welcome to the journey.
Let's get started.
But first... A quick note.
If you look closely at chapter two of Expert Secrets, you'll notice one thing:
Russell is using the Framework that he's teaching you in the chapter.
It's so smart that I figured I'd copy him step by step to see if it works.
Oh, and another thing:
You have to be able to look in depth to see what he's doing.
If you're passively reading, you won't catch the value.
Read and take notes of WHERE and HOW he's using his Framework in chapter 2 of Expert Secrets.
Digest this article at least two times.
You're about to get a TON of value from it.
Alright, let's start.
Overview of The Framework
I'm going to break down each step of the Framework from above:
I'll read each step in chapter two of Expert Secrets
I'll take notes on what I'm learning
Then, I'll apply what I'm learning in real time
Let's go
Step 1
Introduce Your Framework
And Give a Description.
My notes (after reading this step in the book):
Tell your audience the name of your Framework.
Then, give them your framework description.
A Question that came to my mind:
How should you transition into talking about your framework?
For example:
When I start teaching class, should I start by saying the Framework's name?
What topics can I discuss that will naturally lead to introducing the Framework?
I need more context on how to transition into the Framework.
Anywhoo - Let's practice this.
Update - I just figured out the answer to my question above.

Here's how To transition to talking about your Framework:
Do what I did in this article (See the intro).
Tell a story beforehand.
The story frames (you), the reader, for WHY I'm about to teach you this topic
So, in my case, here's what I did (without even knowing it)
I wrote the backstory that got you interested to read this far.
Without context, the Framework means nothing.
Here are the high-level topics I talked about up to this point:
And everything else you've been reading all the way to this sentence.
Real-World Example of Step 1: Introduce your Framework:
Tell your audience the name of your Framework.
This is my Subscriber Data Management Framework
Then, give them your framework description.
This is my 5-step framework for managing subscriber data in Marketing Cloud.
Step 2
Share How You Learned Or Earned It
My notes:
Don't jump straight into teaching strategy & tactics.
If you do, people won't see the value - YOU NEED TO BUILD VALUE in their minds.
If you don't build value, nothing you say will matter (and you'll waste your time)
It's your job to increase the perceived value of the information you will teach.
Russell tells a story about how he learned or earned it (AT EACH STEP of his Framework).
Step 1 - he's explaining how he learned that "he needs to share how he learned or earned this step of his framework."
Pre-framing is what Russell calls it.
Hand people your knowledge after you pre-frame them.
They need to know the value of what they're getting from you.
Talk about the people that you learned from - it builds your credibility.
Your audience will respect you more because you don't steal ideas and act like they're your own.

Real-World Example of Step 2:
Share how you learned or earned it
When I was first learning marketing cloud, data was the last thing on my mind.
I didn't even know how where to click in the system.
And i definitely didn't know anything about data in marketing cloud.
To say I was lost was an understatement.
At my first job (Loves travel stops), I would hear my manager talk about SQL, ampscript, and data extensions.
I was beyond confused.
I was so confused that i messaged a guy on linkedin and asked to pay for his starbucks coffee so that he could teach me something... anything about marketing cloud.
He opened his laptop in that Starbucks and talked about data extensions.
And I was even more lost than before I met with him.
It opened up a whole new world that I wasn't ready for
As the months went on, I began to pick up concepts little by little.

I would sit in meetings feeling so lost.
You know it's bad when a person who likes to talk is silent in every meeting.
Then, one day, my manager gave me an assignment.
She asked me to create an SQL query for an automation in Automation Studio.
Even though I had no idea what to do, I tried it.
I spoke with the data analysts on my team and asked them how to write SQL.
And in that process, I started to learn the basics of SQL.
They were patient with me while I was learning.
I finally finished that SQL query and felt so accomplished.
During the process, I began to learn more about data in marketing cloud.
As time passed, I had more tasks that forced me to learn how data works in Marketing Cloud.
My tasks were routine, but they gave me room to grow.
After almost two years at that job, I finally felt it was time to work somewhere else (I wanted to work 100% remotely)
So, I got a job as a marketing cloud engineer (aka Marketing Cloud consultant)
During that job, I was thrown into the wild.
But it is a good thing I had people on my team who were WAY smarter than me.
I would listen to them in meetings and be mindblown by their knowledge.
Things continued to speed up for me.
I felt like I was finally learning at a good pace.
Then, I decided to teach what I was learning.
Teaching is something I've always loved doing.
So, I made a course on Marketing Cloud Connect.
As I did that, I learned more about marketing cloud data.
Mainly how it flows back and forth between Marketing Cloud and Sales Cloud.
Teaching that course was one of the best things I ever did for myself.
It put my knowledge to the test.
As time went on, I began teaching more people how to use Marketing Cloud.
But the biggest problem was always data.
So, I started to focus on a structure.
The structure would help people understand how Marketing Cloud data works.
I came up with a formula called the 5-step project process, and it changed everything for me

I finally broke every aspect of marketing cloud data down into its specific category.
It made things clear for myself and the other people I was teaching.
What I learned about data in the process was profound and unlike anything I had ever seen or heard before
Over the next year and a half, I improved on what I originally came up with
That led me to the subscriber and data management framework I will share today.
It's My 5-step Framework for managing email subscriber campaign data in Marketing Cloud.
Let me walk you through how it works.
Step 3 - Share the Strategy
(The "What You Do")
My notes:
Understand Strategy vs Tactics
Strategy = Overarching plan or set of goals
Tactics = Specific actions (steps) to take to achieve your Strategy.
Strategy = Big Picture Goal
Tactics = Each piece of the picture
Let's say your Strategy is to = Rise to the top of your company.
Your Tactics could be:
Showing up to meetings on time
Being professional
listening to people more than you speak
This is where you give people the "Outline" of the Framework (like a table of contents)

It shows people where we are & where we are going.
You can outline your process or draw your process to make it visual.
Alex Hormozi and Russell Brunson are great at drawing their process outlines.
The content inside the outline is the "tactical" part.
The tactical is the "How To" part that helps you finish the Strategy.
The tactical part is the step-by-step instructions.
You'll achieve the result when you follow every step of the Strategy.
It's like following all the directions on a map.
If you follow every direction, you'll get to your destination.
Real-World Example of Step 3:
Share the Strategy
(The "What You Do")
This is what the outline for my Subscriber Data Management Framework looks like:
Step #1 - Understand how data works in Marketing Cloud
Step #2 - Build and Link Data Extensions
Step #3 - Import Data into Data Extensions
Step #4 - Segment your Marketing Cloud data
Step #5 - Become a master of Subscriber Preferences

Step 4 - Teach the tactics
(The "How To")
My Notes from Expert Secrets:
This is where you start teaching.
This is the step-by-step process.
Ask yourself this question:
"If I were to suddenly lose ___ (the results I've achieved that others are coming to learn from me), and I was starting over with no advantages, what would I do from day 1 to day 30 to get ___ (the big result) back?"
The goal is to teach every step as simple as possible.

Depending on the time you have to teach:
You can use this "framework to teach frameworks" inside each step of your Framework.
This is the mindblowing Russian doll paradox.
Think about how In-depth you can take this whole thing.
This is what separates the big dogs from the baby sheep.
Or you can use different parts of this "Framework for teaching frameworks" strategy
For example:
Let's say I'm teaching step 1 of my Framework (Subscriber and Data Management)
I can share "How I learned or earned" step #1 of my Strategy:
Step #1 - Understand how data works in Marketing Cloud
I can also share any other steps in the Framework - it's customizable, like Lego's.
Many times, a step of your Framework will be a framework in itself.
For example:
Step #1 - Understand how data works in Marketing Cloud
This step can be its own stand-alone Framework that you can break down even further.
Let's break this down further.
From Expert Secrets - Here's how to become an expert & convert visitors into customers:
Step #1 - Create your movement
Step #2 - Create belief
Step #3 - "10X Secrets": One-to-Many Selling
Step #4 - Become your dream customer's guide
Step #1 - Creating your movement has its own Framework.
Here's what Step #1 - Creating your movement framework strategy looks like
Step #1 of creating your movement = Becoming the expert
Step #2 of creating your movement = The new opportunity (Your offer)
Step #3 of creating your movement = The future-based cause (Your movement)
Then you can take it down ANOTHER level below that.
Step #1 of creating your movement = Becoming the expert has its OWN Framework!!!
This is wild!
Here's the 3-step Strategy for Step #1 - Becoming the expert:
Finding your voice
Teaching your frameworks
The three core markets or desires
Can you see what I mean when I say this is like the Russian Doll paradox?!
There are LEVELS to being a legitimate expert.
The key takeaway is this = OUTLINE YOUR PROCESS before you do anything else.
Yes, this will take time upfront, but it'll be your roadmap for life.
And as time passes, you'll know where you are and where you're headed.
Student questions will fit into a part of the map.
You can improve the map over time to make it easier for people to follow.
This is why "Frameworks for teaching Frameworks" is the 2nd chapter...
It's the foundation of being an expert and converting your online visitors into lifelong customers.
Who else is doing this type of work to help their customers achieve results?
Not many people.
That's why most products/services SUCK.
Many business owners aren't putting in the work to help their customers get to the promised land.
Without the roadmap in place, you don't have a business.
You don't know how to guide people to the promised land without a roadmap.
If you don't have a roadmap, everything you teach will be all over the place...
This is why I've felt like I don't have a structure.
Because I haven't mapped everything out
I haven't created the official roadmap to the promised land.
I've gotten results, but it's about to go to the next level when I map everything out.
You can go as in-depth into each Framework as you want (depending on how much time you have to teach)
This is crucial because if you want to do a TikTok video, you can keep it short and sweet.
But if you want to do an online course, you can go into depth inside every step of the Framework.

This is how people like Russell Brunson and Alex Hormozi can teach:
A 2 minute YouTube video
A 2 hour webinar
Or a 2-day live event
They're just following a framework and zooming in or out of it.
This is what helps society grow.
If you aren't there to teach anymore, your frameworks can guide people to the promised land.
You're just the tour guide who's showing them the path (WOW)
Let the map guide you and your dream customer to the promised land.
Real World Example of Step 4: Teach the tactics (the "how to")
Here's what my Subscriber Data Management framework looks like this when it's broken down further:
Step #1 - Understand how data works in Marketing Cloud
All Subscribers
What is it?
Where to find it
Why it's important
How it connects to Contact Builder
How "Sending" to a subscriber works (behind the scenes)
Sending to a list
Sending to a Data Extension
AllSubscribers Best Practices
Use a consistent Subscriber Key
Use a unique identifier (don't use email addresses)
Lists vs. Data Extensions
Primary Key, Subscriber Key, Contact Key
Contact Builder
Step #2 - Build and Link Data Extensions
Data Extensions
Create data extension #1 in Email Studio (based on requirements)
Create data extension #2 in Email Studio (based on requirements)
Create data extension #3 in Contact Builder (based on requirements)
Create data extension #4 in Contact Builder (based on requirements)
Attribute Group Review
What is an attribute group
Why companies use Attribute Groups
Attribute Group Real World Use Case
Link all 4 data extensions together in an attribute group
Step #3 - Import Data into Data Extensions
Data Imports
What is a data import?
3 Types of Data Import Processes
How to choose your data import process
How the data import process works
Choosing a Data File
File Formats
CSV Files
TAB Delimited
Pipe Delimited
File Locations
From your computer
From the SFTP
Import Options
Add & Update
Mapping Data
Map by header row
Ordinal Mapping
Manual Mapping
Why data import processes are important
Data Preparation and Cleaning
Common Errors and Troubleshooting
Data File is failing
Some records missing
Manual Data Import Process #1 (Real World Example)
Manual Data Import Process #2 (based on requirements)
Automatic Data Import Process #1 (based on requirements)
Automatic Data Import Process #2 (based on requirements)
Step #4 - Segment your Marketing Cloud data
Segmenting Data
Filtered Data Extensions
What it is
Why it matters
When to use it
How it works
Case Study
Data Filters
What it is
Why it matters
When to use it
How it works
Case Study
What it is
Why it matters
When to use it
How it works
Case Study
What it is
Why it matters
When to use it
How it works
Case Study
Step #5 - Become a master of Subscriber Preferences
Mastering Subscriber Preferences
Subscriber Preferences
What are subscriber Preferences?
Why do preferences matter?
Email Unsubscribe Types
What is an email Unsubscribe?
Why do Unsubscribes matter?
3 Unsubscribe Types
Account Level
List Level
Case Study
Publication Lists
What are publication lists
Why do Publication Lists exist
Where to find Publication Lists
How Publication Lists work
How to build Publication Lists
Case Study
Exclusion Lists
What are Exclusion Lists
Why Exclusion Lists exist
Where to find Exclusion Lists
How Exclusion Lists work
How to build Exclusion Lists
Case Study
Suppression Lists
What are Suppression Lists
Why Suppression Lists exist
Types of Suppression Lists
Regular Suppression List
Auto-Suppression List
How is an Auto-Suppression List different from a Suppression List
Where to find Suppression Lists
How Suppression Lists work
How to build Suppression Lists
Case Study
Unsubscribing from a List
How to unsubscribe from a List
Why Unsubscribing from a list is important
How does Unsubscribing from a list work? (behind the scenes)
Case Study
Unsubscribing from a Data Extension
How to unsubscribe from a Data Extension
Why Unsubscribing from a Data Extension is important
How does Unsubscribing from a Data Extension work? (behind the scenes)
Case Study
Profile Center Management
What is a Profile Center
Why is a Profile Center important
Types of Profile Centers
How it works (behind the scenes)
How it works (For Customers)
How to customize a Profile Center
Case Study
Preference Center Management
What is a Profile Center
Why is a Preference Center important
Preference Types
How it works (behind the scenes)
How it works (For Customers)
How to customize a Preference Center
Case Study
Email Bounces
What is an email bounce
Why bounce data is important
Types of Bounces
How the bounce process works (behind the scenes)
How to recognize bounce types in Marketing Cloud
What to do if you see email bounces
How to fix email bounce issues
Case Study
Step 5 - Show them how it works for others
My notes:
This is where you:
Show that you can help other people with this Framework.
Show them that THEY can get the same results as you and others.
KEY = Don't skip the "Finding your Voice" Framework (From chapter 1 of Expert Secrets)

The more time you spend testing your Framework on other people, the better.
Here's why:
Reason #1: Adjusting your process to work for others takes time.
Your life experience & skills give you an advantage that others don't.
I talked to Makenna about this yesterday, and she said the same thing.
She said:
"It's good that you tried other ways of teaching Marketing Cloud, because now you see what did and didn't work".
As you tweak the process to help others, you adjust it for their skill level and perfect your process.
Reason #2: People are skeptical of the expert.
Most people won't listen to you because they think you have special skills they don't have.
They NEED to see that it works for other people.
Every time you help people with your frameworks, you NEED to be collecting:
case studies
Even at the beginning of your journey as an expert
Real-World Example of Step 5:
Show them how it works for others
Here are testimonials from people who learned Marketing Cloud through my systems.
I'll let them do the talking here.
Stephin Jacob had no experience with Marketing Cloud and landed a 6 figure job.
Nakia Shalon worked over 60 hours per week at two retail store jobs and is now making DOUBLE what she used to make.
Kinslie Monai graduated from college and didn't know what she wanted to do. So she took my advice and learned Marketing Cloud and now has a great career.
Amit Andrew wanted to get a job in Marketing Cloud ASAP and got certified within a few weeks.
Brandon VanGalder was a Salesforce Admin who wanted to learn Marketing Cloud and got two certs in 3 months.

How to teach what you know to other people
How Marketing Cloud Subscriber Data Management Works
Benefits of Today's Letter:
If you're a teacher, consultant, course creator, coach, etc...
This is the formula to follow if you want to teach other people (and make an impact).
If you work in Marketing Cloud, this article helped you:
Become a PRO with Marketing Cloud data.
Pass the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist certification.

And with that, Happy New Year!
Crush your goals and take your life to a new level!
See you in a week.
Kaelan Moss - MinuteAdmin Out ✌🏽