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Marketing Cloud Challenge

Day 2

You’re Showing Real Dedication!

You’re taking action and showing real dedication!


Yesterday, you watched the video on the most common Marketing Cloud questions, you read the day 1 PDF, and started on the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Trailmix!

Now it's time for you to see how easy Marketing Cloud actually is.


Literally, every Marketing Cloud project follows the same framework.

Once you know the framework, you'll be able to talk to employers and hiring managers about Marketing Cloud, which will help you get the high paying Marketing Cloud job you're looking for!

Day 2 of the Challenge...

Do These 3 things

This is where you'll see the framework that's used for every Marketing Cloud project!

This is the template that every Marketing Cloud project follows!

Do the Email Marketing module to continue the learning!

That's it for Day 2 of the Challenge

Please share this challenge with friends, family and anyone else you feel might be open to a new career option!

Oh, by the way...

If you already know Marketing Cloud is the career you want to pursue

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