Here are the steps to pass any Salesforce Marketing Cloud certification.
Study the complete exam guide to know what will be on the test.
Do a Trailmix that is customized for the cert you're studying for.
Follow a Pacing Guide customized for the cert you're studying for.
Know how a Marketing Cloud project works and the core components
Know all the Marketing Cloud technical definitions
Study with practice exams
BONUS - Ask other people how they passed the cert you're studying for.
For example... Here's how you pass the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Certification
Read the entire Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Exam Guide.
Make sure you REALLY know what will be on the exam.
Knowing what will be on the exam comes from looking at the exam outline, learning every section, and studying the bullet points in the exam outline.
There's no reason to learn anything else if your goal is to pass the cert.
You need to know what's on the exam outline, and that's it.
Everything else is a waste of your time and energy.
That's why the first step is to read the exam guide and know exactly what will be on the exam.
Here's the link to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist exam guide
Do the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Trailmix...
This trail mix is custom-built to help you pass the marketing cloud email specialist certification because it focuses on the exact things related to the exam outline.
No extra fluff or junk is needed on your study journey.
You get exactly what you need.
Nothing more and nothing less.
Study the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Pacing Guide.
This pacing guide will show you exactly what to study for each section of the Email Specialist exam, so you don't have to go out and find all the resources and information on your own.
Everything you need to study from the internet is all in one place.
Here's a video of me explaining how to use the pacing guide (note... This video explains how to use the MC Admin Pacing guide, but the concept is the same for the Email Specialist cert).
Know how a Marketing Cloud project works from beginning to end.
Most people don't know what to study in Marketing Cloud because they don't understand how a project works from beginning to end.
Let's be honest; every project follows pretty much the same steps every time.
Once you figure out what those steps are, all you need to do is plug and play.
If you know how every Marketing Cloud project works, you will be golden for every project you do.
It'll help you know exactly which questions to ask at the beginning of every project, and it'll help you know exactly what you should be doing when someone gives you project requirements.
Knowing every step of a Marketing Cloud project and the order of each stage will change the game for you and make Marketing Cloud so easy to learn and master.
You can watch the MC Admin YouTube playlist to learn how a project works from beginning to end.
Know all the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Definitions.
Before taking the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist certification, here's a complete list of every term and definition you need to know.
Once you know all the terms, you'll be able to read all the questions on the email specialist exam and quickly understand what the question is asking you.
If you don't know the jargon that will be on the exam, then you're going to be lost in the sauce.
And we don't want that happening!
Do the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist practice exams.
The practice exams include:
The Marketing Cloud Email Specialist definition exams
The Marketing Cloud Email Specialist section-level exams
The Marketing Cloud Email Specialist mock exams
When you study all these practice exams, you'll have a good feel for what you'll be tested on regarding the Email Specialist certification.
There's a high passing percentage rate when people take these practice exams.
You have to score a 90% or higher on each exam before you take the actual test.
You shouldn't take the exam if you don't score 90% or higher on each exam.
It'll be a waste of time if you don't take this simple advice.
Please don't say I didn't warn you!
If you follow this advice, you'll see outstanding results and give yourself a fighting chance at passing the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist certification.
BONUS - Ask other people how they passed the cert you're studying for...
An excellent way to see how other people passed the Email Specialist cert is to:
Read blog posts that other people have written.
Listen to podcasts about other people's journeys.
Watch YouTube videos about other people's journeys.
If you do these things, you'll be able to get a different point of view about what other people did to pass the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist certification.
Sometimes, all you need is that extra little bit of motivation to get pumped up.
This is the process I give to everyone going through any Bootcamp that I teach.
This process works!
All you need to do is follow this process to a tee, and you'll be ready to go.